Whatsapp status.


Cool whatsapp status-

1. I love buying new things, but I hate spending money.

2. I'm not arguing, I'm merely trying to explain why I'm Right.

3. I'm jealous of my parents, I'll never have a kid as cool as theirs.

4. I don't have an attitude problem, and I just have a personality that you can't handle.💪💪

5. We all are born to die, don't feel more special than me.👈👈👈

6. Don't judge a book  by its cover📘📙📘📙

Best funny whatsapp status-

1. Life is Short - Chat Fast💬💬

2. Try to say the letter M without your lips touching.

3. Born to express, not to impress.

4. Beauty is like Moon; looks much better at night👩

5. Typing.........💻

6. Some people feels awesome doing nothing.😝😝😝

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